Personalize Your Learning
When you become a MERLOT member (It's Free), you can create COURSE EPORTFOLIOS of learning materials, customized to your learning needs. MERLOT provides easy-to-use tools to create your own academic program plan. You define...
- Your TITLE for your collection - Like the label on your personal bookshelf.
- Your DESCRIPTION explaining subject area, theme, and/or purpose of your collection.
- Your COURSE of study - Are you taking an online course, working on a major, or are you creating your own personal course of study? All options work with MERLOT.
- Your PRE-REQUISITES to succeed - What are the concepts and skills you need to have reviewed or mastered before you start your course of study?
- Your LEARNING OUTCOMES you want to achieve - What do you want to learn and be able to do at the conclusion of your course of study?
- Your PEDAGOGIAL STRATEGY - How do you want to teach or learn with the materials? Work on projects? Collaborate with other students? Mentored by experts?
- Your ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY - How will you provide evidence that you have learned the skills and knowledge you wanted to learn?
- Find materials you like/want in MERLOT.
- Create a Bookmark Collection
- Create a course ePortfolio.